Mission & People
The Gulf of Maine Ocean Racing Association is a not-for-profit, charitable corporation formed to act as an amateur athletic organization to promote yacht racing, including international yacht racing, in the ocean waters of the Gulf of Maine.
GMORA is a welcoming community where members enjoy a variety of racing activities, learn from one another, and cultivate a rich and proud legacy of sailboat racing. GMORA encourages members at every stage of life to partake in membership opportunities to socialize, build skills, and make friends with other members who love the water.
Board & Committee Members
The primary mission of the Gulf of Maine Ocean Racing Association (GMORA) is to foster high levels of race management, sportsmanship, fairness, and participation in sailboat racing in Maine.
In support of that mission, GMORA has assumed the responsibility of PHRF-New England handicapping for the Gulf of Maine Fleet (GOM), sponsors US Sailing Association (USSA) race officer training programs to increase the number and availability of certified race officers in Maine, conducts informative and instructional racing seminars, and introduced a novice/new racer mentorship program. When asked, GMORA members and directors have been race officers, judges, and race management teams at sanctioned GMORA regattas, MS Harborfest, Junior Olympic events, and the International Atlantic Cup Class 40 Regatta, among others.
Officers & Directors
President - Jeff Hamilton
Vice President - Michele Smith
Treasurer - Galen Todd
Secretary - Jane Yurko
Boothbay Fleet Captain - Peter Neidhardt
Casco Bay Fleet Captain - John Wilkinson
East Fleet - Chris Groobey
Pen Bay Fleet Captain - Graham Fitch
Boothbay Yacht Club - Scott Blake
Camden Yacht Club - Mark Scheffer
Centerboard Yacht Club - Justin Henderson
Front St Shipyard - Nicole Jacques
Handy Boat Services - DiAnna Hall
Harraseeket Yacht Club - Peter Selian
Northeast Harbor Fleet - Chris Groobey
Northport Yacht Club - Lindsay Huntoon
Portland Yacht Club - John Wilkinson
Portland Yacht Services - Brent Sullivan
Rockland Yacht Club - Laura Shields-Haas
Rockport Boat Club - Jeff Hamilton
SailMaine - Michele Smith
Southport Yacht Club - Chip Baker
Stockton Harbor Sailing Center - Keith Bradley
Trustee Emeritus - Brent Sullivan
Scoring/Handicapping - Jeff Hamilton
Yearbook - TBD
Awards/Banquet - Michele Smith
Upcoming Meetings
Upcoming Meeting Items are sent out to our members via email. We welcome any suggestions and attendance is encouraged. Board meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of the month, and the meetings are held virtually on ZOOM. An email reminder of the monthly meeting will have the link to the meeting.
Past Meetings Minutes
Past minutes may be requested by emailing info@gmora.org