President’s Page
Jeff Hamilton
Greetings GMORA Family,
2024 was a busy year for the organization. Our membership, organizing authority (clubs and YC’s), and regatta count continues to grow. The year was focused on enhancing our ‘membership experience’ with the intent to meet and exceed expectations for those who participate in the organization. Our secretary, Jane Yurko, has increased our social media presence through many posts on Facebook, GMORA quarterly newsletter distribution, and yearbook development. Our vice president, Michele Smith, has revised and enhanced our website and internet presence. In addition, the organization opened an on-line GMORA ‘merch’ store to help promote the organization through GMORA hats, shirts, and other promo material.
From a ‘behind the scenes’ standpoint, open officer positions continue to be filled with highly engaged individuals who have contributed greatly to the organization. Don Logan, the long time ‘anchor’ of GMORA, is training the rest of us to ensure future organizational success as he transitions to the Director Emeritus position. Galen Todd has kept ‘the books’ in perfect order, fulfilled all state and federal reporting requirements, and managed grant and sponsorship requests. Additionally, the bylaws of the organization were revised and approved by the Board of Directors and are now posted on the website.
This coming season GMORA has reopened “The Official GMORA Crew Match Party!” Facebook page to function as a ‘crew finder’ tool. If someone wishes to crew, or obtain crew, a simple post on the page with a request might just do the trick. Also, notices of races will be more widely spread through Facebook and the GMORA website. Lastly, race write-ups and pictures will be included in our newsletters as they occur during the season.
2025 will be a great year for racing in Maine. The regatta count continues to grow. I think that if one wanted to travel between Casco and Penobscot Bay/MDI, one could race every weekend this season. It is hard to find an open weekend to squeeze a new regatta into. Great to see!
See you all at a skipper’s meeting soon,
Jeff Hamilton
GMORA President